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Routes, Waypoints & Tracks on High Resolution Topo Maps for your iPhone® and iPad®, even with no cell signal

iHikeGPS Help

These instructions are available within the App by tapping               

To use most features of iHikeGPS, Location Services in the Settings app must be ON.

My Location Screen:

Tapping this tab shows the main screen where you will view your current location on a map. The other 4 tabs at the bottom let you create, download, select, and manage other items to show on this main screen, and to start & stop track recording and navigation.

Tap the My Location tab
when already on the
My Location screen

Show (or download) a map for the current location.

Turn on Automatic Current Location Centering.
1 finger slide Drag map. Turns off Automatic Current Location Centering.
2 finger pinch

Zoom in or out.

Turns off Automatic Current Location Centering.
2 taps in white space Show (or download and show) map for tapped position.
2 taps inside main map Zoom in 2X.
2 taps inside stitched map If a specific map is choosen:  Make tapped map choosen.
else (map for current location):  Zoom in 2X.
3 taps inside map Return to original scale.
4 taps Zoom out as far as possible.
5 taps        Total Reset

Show map for current location at its original scale.

Turn on Automatic Current Location Centering.
1 tap with three fingers Zoom out 2X.
Tap    Add a new waypoint for where you are
or any place on a map you are viewing.                                or

Share a location or a map image via AirDrop, Copy,
Print, Photos app, Email, or Message.                                  or

Show (or download & show) a new map, a map with a different scale, or a map of a different type for the marked point.      or

Show Sun and Moon Azimuth-Elevation sky graph,
and Rise & Set times for your current location.

then tap
 Anywhere on the Map

Read the location coordinates for any point on the map.

Display the elevation of any point on the map.

Measure the distance and direction between any two points on the map.

Select a waypoint on the map to Edit or Go To or Move.

Get driving directions to any point on the screen.

Get the Weather report for the area shown on the screen.

Push and Hold

Create an instant new waypoint for your current location.
No additional typing or taps.
Named with the current date and time.

Automatic Current-Location Centering:


Current location is kept centered on the screen.

Switches maps while hiking.
Off     Map position stays fixed where you move it manually.
To turn On Tap the My Location tab while the map is showing.
To turn Off Drag the map.

Display of your current location requires a GPS chip found in all iPhones (but not in the iPod touch), or an iOS-compatible external GPS receiver.

Usual Top of the My Location Screen

Change the units displayed
(e.g. degrees, UTM)
by using the Settings app.

When a Go To Waypoint is Set
Swipe left and right on the bar
to switch between location and
navigation information.

Navigating a Route

Swipe left and right on the bar
to switch between location,
navigation to the next waypoint, and
navigation to the final destination.

The Distance and Bearing are along
the route, not for a straight line
between the current location and
the final destination.

The ETA shows the time in the current time zone even if the destination is in another time zone. The background color of the Estimated Time of Arrival changes according to the sun's position to warn you if you will be arriving after the sun sets at your destination.

Daytime:     3:41 PM  ETA   Twilight:     7:19 PM  ETA   Dark:     9:56 PM  ETA  

If the Track Timer & Odometer are visible on the My Location screen   1:05 2.06 miles   then track recording is on. When Record Track is Off, they can still be viewed on the Track screen.

The Track Timer shows hours:minutes since you turned on track recording. The Odometer shows the distance travelled during that time. If for some reason (such as you went through a tunnel) a track was not actually recorded for the whole time, the straight line distance between the two track points on either side of the recording gap is used.

When the accuracy text for Location, Elevation or Course turns red with a yellow background, the GPS satellite signals are not being received properly. Therefore your indicated position may be off.

 Heading 056 ±37° 

When the Heading Accuracy text is red or the heading seems incorrect, recalibrate the internal compass to improve the heading accuracy. Imagine arrows sticking out of all 4 sides and the front and back of your device. Rotate the device in several different ways so that each of the 6 arrows will at some time be aimed at every area on an imaginary sphere surrounding you. If this does not improve the accuracy, then move farther away from all electrical devices or metal, and repeat. The actual heading error will be greater than the displayed accuracy if near magnetic material such as steel.

In the Map Area

The Course Indicator shows the direction you are moving. The length of the Course Indicator is proportional to the square root of your speed. At speeds less than 9 mph, a gray Compass Heading Indicator is shown instead of the blue Course Indicator, because GPS Course measurements are not accurate at these slower speeds.

Use the Settings App to show or hide these direction vectors.

If the Compass Heading Indicator turns red or seems to be pointing in the wrong direction, recalibrate the internal compass to improve the heading accuracy. Go through the normal compass calibration movements even if you don’t see the prompt to do so. Imagine arrows sticking out of all 4 sides and the front and back of your device. Rotate the device in several different ways so that each of the 6 arrows will at some time be aimed at every area on an imaginary sphere surrounding you. If this does not change the Compass Heading Indicator to gray, then move farther away from all other electrical devices and metal, and repeat. The Compass Heading Indicator will have a large error if near magnetic material such as steel even if the Compass Heading Indicator is gray.

Stitching Maps

The option to stitch compatible adjacent maps together is selected using the Settings App. Map stitching is ON by default.

Maps for adjacent areas may be downloaded by double-tapping in a white space or by going to the Map List screen.

Stitch Maps OFFStitch Maps ON
Only one quad is shown. Multiple quads are shown.
Map margins are shown. Map margins are hidden.
Fastest map display. Slower when multiple maps are on screen.

Zoom in to speed up.

Zoom out to show the entire length
of very long tracks and routes.
Zoom out is limited to less than the size of one map. If you can’t zoom out far enough on a 24K or 50K map, switch to a 100K or 250K map.
Tab Bar Icon Tab Bar Icon

When two adjacent maps partially overlap, such as along the USA-Canada border, to bring the back map to the front, double-tap it, or tap its name on the Map List screen.

Right Edge of Zone 12   Left Edge of Zone 13 

Map Stitching Limitations

Most USGS maps, and all NRC and 2013 USFS maps use the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) map projection, which changes when you cross the boundary line between two UTM zones due to the curvature of the earth.

Thus UTM map stitching won’t work across the black lines shown on this map of UTM zones.

California USGS maps use the Albers Conic map projection instead of UTM. USGS map stitching works anywhere within California, but it will not work across the California borders with Oregon, Nevada and Arizona.

Map Stitching works even for maps of different scales as long as the map projection is the same. A 24K map, a 50K map, a 63K map, a 100K map and a 250K map can all stitch together. When multiple options are available to stitch, iHikeGPS will pick the available map which is closest in scale to the main selected map.

If you are viewing a selected 250K map, no 24K, 50K or 100K maps will be shown. If you are viewing a selected 100K map, no 24K maps will be shown. So if you want to see a mix of maps with different scales stitched together, select a map with the lowest desired scale and let the app stitch in the appropriate maps with higher scales where no map of the desired scale is available.

2013 Forest Service maps use the UTM map projection for all states. Thus map stitching will work between a 2013 USFS map and a USGS map in every state except California.

2018 US Forest Service maps use the Geographic map projection. They can be stitched to any other 2018 US Forest Service map, but not to another kind of map.

Sharing Locations and Map Images:

current location

Tap    , then  Current Location  , then   .

Includes a screen map image if current location shows on map.

Email queued in your out box. Sent when the Internet connects.
current location
without a
map image
Drag the map so that the current location is not visible
before tapping   , then  Current Location  .
any location
on the map

Tap    , then  Anywhere on the Map  .

Move the map to center the desired point under the red crosshairs.

Tap    , then   .

Includes a screen map image.

a location
in other

Instead of   , Tap   to use the Messages app.

Tap  Add to Notes. (Not Copy to Notes) to store in Notes.

Tap  Copy Location      coordinates to the clipboard.
Tap , then tap the Google Earth app icon
to view the location in Google Earth.
a screen
in other
Tap  Copy Image To  , then
to send the map image to a nearby AirDrop-capable iOS device or Mac.

Works even in the wilderness with no cell or Internet connection.

Tap  Copy Map Image     to the clipboard.
Tap  Save Image               to the Photos app.
Save a
screen map
image in
iCloud Drive
Tap  Save to Files         .

Printing Screen Map Images:

Print a screen
map image with
no crosshairs

Tap    , then  Current Location  .

Tap  Print Map Image   .
Under Printer Options, select your printer.
Tap  Print  .
Print a screen
map image with
marking the

Tap    , then  Anywhere on the Map  .

Move the map to center the desired point under the red crosshairs.

Tap    .
Tap  Print Map Image   .
Under Printer Options, select your printer.
Tap  Print  .

Measuring Distance and Direction on the Map

View the
distance &
direction from
the current
location to
on the map

Tap    , then tap  Anywhere on the Map  .

Move the map to center the point under the red crosshairs.

Read the distance and direction to it.

Tap   , then  Cancel  when you are done.
View the
distance &
2 points
on the map

Tap    , then tap  Anywhere on the Map  .

Move the map to center the 1st point under the red crosshairs.

Tap    .

Tap  Measure Distance           .

Move the map to center the 2nd point under the red crosshairs.

Read the distance and direction.

Tap    when you are done.

Display the Elevation of a Point on the Map

View the elevation
above sea level
for anywhere
on the map

Tap    , then tap  Anywhere on the Map  .

Move the map to center the point under the red crosshairs.

Tap    .

Scroll downleft the list of actions.

Tap  Get Elevation from DEM           .

Switch to a New Map Scale or Map Type

Show (or
and Show)
a map with a
different scale
or a different
map type for
Anywhere on
the Map

Tap    , then tap  Anywhere on the Map  .

Move the map to center the point you want to see on the new map under the red crosshairs.

Tap    .


Tap  New Map
        New Scale

Tap the  Get…  button for the map type that you want.

(This new map will show as the one selected on the Map List screen.)

If the map has already been downloaded, it will appear immediately, centered on your chosen point. If not, it will download and then appear.
Show (or
and Show)
a map with a
different scale
or a different
map type for
your Current

Tap    , then tap  Current Location  .


Tap  New Map
        New Scale

Tap the  Get…  button for the map type that you want.

(The new map type that you choose to Get… will show as the map type for Current Location selected near the top of the Map List screen table.)

If the map has already been downloaded, it will appear immediately, centered on your current location. If not, it will download and then appear.

Weather Report and Forecast

View the weather report
and forecast for
anywhere on the map

Tap    .

Tap  Anywhere on the Map  .

Move the map to center the place under the red crosshairs.

Tap    .

Scroll down the list of actions.

Tap  Weather           .
Update to iOS 16 or later to view weather information.

Sun and Moon Position, Rise & Set Times

View the Az/El sky graph
with sunrise, sunset,
moonrise & moonset
times, moon phase, and
magnetic declination for
your current location

Tap    , then tap  Current Location  .

Scroll down the list of actions.Scroll the bottom row of action icons to the left.

Tap  Sun and Moon           .

Tap the date (upper left) to bring up a Date and Time Picker.

Tap Done when you are finished.
View the Az/El sky graph
with sunrise, sunset,
moonrise & moonset
times, and moon phase
for anywhere on
the map

Tap    , then tap  Anywhere on the Map  .

Move the map to center the place under the red crosshairs.

Tap    .

Scroll down the list of actions.Scroll the bottom row of action icons to the left.

Tap  Sun and Moon           .

Tap the date (upper left) to bring up a Date and Time Picker.

Tap Done when you are finished.

Calculated Rise and Set times are approximate. The exact observed times depend on the relative elevation of the surrounding topography and the temperature of the air in the light path.

Pay attention to the displayed time zone. The displayed time zone is more accurate for some locations when an Internet connection is available. If necessary, correct the times shown to the desired time zone.  DST  means that Daylight Saving Time is known to be in effect for that location on that date.

For the moon illumination percentage, ↑ indicates a waxing phase, and ↓ indicates a waning phase.
Less than 50% indicates a crescent phase, while greater than 50% indicates a gibbous phase.

The magnetic declination is only available for your current location. If you don't see the magnetic declination, then tap Done, perform the compass calibration, and try again.

Maidenhead Grid Square

View the Maidenhead
grid square for the

(Used by amateur radio

Tap    .

Tap  Current Location  ,   or

      Tap  Anywhere on the Map  .

       Move the map to center the place under the red crosshairs.

      Tap    .

Scroll downleft the list of actions.

Tap  Maidenhead Grid Square           .

Decluttering the Map

Hide old

Tap    .

Hold down the + button on the left  
until only the current track segment is showing.
Hide waypoint
Note text
for all waypoints
Go to the Home screen.

Start the Settings App.

Scroll down to Apps. Tap it.

Scroll down to iHikeGPS. Tap it.

Tap  Show Waypoint Notes on Map     to OFF.
Hide a

Tap    .

Tap the name of the waypoint.

Tap  Edit  .

Tap   Visible   to OFF.

Tap  Done  .

Hide all
waypoints not
being used for

Tap    .

Scroll to the bottom of the Waypoints list.

Tap   Show Only Route Waypoints     to ON.

Hide all

Tap    .

Scroll to the top of the Routes list.

Tap   Don't Show Any Route   .

Track Screen:

Don’t Record a Track. Stop Recording.

Reset to zero and hide the Track Timer & Odometer display on the My Location screen.

The other 3 choices all turn on Track Recording.

Record a Track only when iHikeGPS is the active app and is showing on the screen.
Switch to showing only the current track segment.

Start the Track Timer & Odometer displays on the My Location screen and the Track screen.

Don't put the iPhone in your pocket without putting it to sleep or turning on the Proximity Sensor in Settings. The inside of your pocket can “tap” on screen buttons causing unwanted behavior.

Record a Track even when using another App, or the iOS device is sleeping.

Switch to showing only the current track segment.

Start the Track Timer & Odometer displays on the My Location screen and the Track screen.
Turns off track recording when your speed exceeds 20 miles per hour for 8 seconds.

Does not start again when you slow down.

Record a Track even when using another App, or the iPadiOS device is sleeping.

Switch to showing only the current track segment.

Start the Track Timer & Odometer displays on the My Location screen and the Track screen.

Will keep recording until you manually turn it off.

For a shortcut, if you Push and Hold one of these recording options instead of tapping it, after the selection the screen will immediately jump back to showing the My Location screen.

Use  Until Drive  to automatically prevent recording a track of the drive away from the trailhead because you forgot to turn off Record Track. Use only for hiking, not if you are skiing, on a bike, etc.

When set to  Always   (or  Until Drive  without driving), iHikeGPS continues to record a track and to drain the battery more quickly for as long as iHikeGPS remains in the Recently Used Apps Switcher. The Status Bar in other apps will show that your location is still being recorded by iHikeGPS.

Recording of tracks requires a GPS chip found in all iOS devices that have the ability to connect to a cellular network, or an iOS-compatible external GPS receiver.

Using Tracks:

Save the track
within iHikeGPS
If the stepper buttons below the graph are visible, tap them so only the desired track segments are showing.
Tap(Share).  Tap  Track Segments … (or  Entire Track  ).
Tap  Save Track As a Route           .
Save the track
in GPX format to
the Notes app
Tap(Share).  Tap  Track Segments … or  Entire Track  .
Tap    Add to Notes.
View the track on
a topo map
Tap  View On A Map  .
If no stored map is available, the map download screen will appear. If you choose to not download a map, you will see the track in Don't Show a Topo Map mode.
View the track
in Google Earth

The Google Earth app
must be installed.
Tap(Share).  Tap  Entire Track  or  Track Segments … .

Tap  Copy to …   .   Tap the Google Earth app icon.

Calculate the area
enclosed by the track   
Tap(Share).  Tap  Track Segments … (or  Entire Track  ).
Tap  Save Track As a Route           .
Scroll to the bottom.
Read the enclosed area in the bottom left corner.

Sharing Tracks:

Email entire track Tap(Share), then  Entire Track , then   .

In GPX format.

Email queued in your out box. Sent when the Internet connects.
Email only
some track
Tap the stepper buttons below the graph so only the desired track segments are showing.
Tap(Share), then  Track Segments … , then   .
Send the
track in
format to
other apps
or other devices

Use AirDrop

Use Dropbox

Use email (GPX only)

Use Copy to Open In

Use Messages (GPX only)

Use the Mac Finder
(or iTunes)

Save the
track in
format to
iCloud Drive
Tap(Share) ,  then   Track Segments … or  Entire Track  .
Tap    or    ,  then  .
Tap   for a GPX file,  or  Tap   ,  then .
Add a waypoint
using a point
on the
Elevation Graph
With one finger on the graph move the green line to the spot where you want a waypoint. Keep that finger down.
Using a 2nd finger : Tap(Share).
Optionally name your waypoint using letters, numbers & spaces.

Optionally enter the Elevation or tap   Get From DEM Data .

Optionally tap the waypoint icon to choose a new icon.

Optionally erase or replace the Note text.

Tap  Add  at the top (or   Add & Go To   at the bottom).

Elevation Graph:

Record an
Start iHikeGPS with a clear view of the sky.

Tap the My Location tab.

Wait a few minutes to lock on all satellites ( Location Accuracy < 60 ft ).

Tap the Track tab. Tap Record Track:  Until Drive  . Go!
Tap Record Track:  Off   before you stop iHikeGPS at the end of the hike.
View Date &
Time in track
Trace the track on the graph with one finger.
View Speed &
% Grade in track
Trace the track on the graph with two fingers.

Shows average speed and track grade between your two fingers.

Average speed does not include times while you are stopped or track recording is Off. Grade indicates the slope of the track. It is the elevation gain divided by the distance.
Show or not
show waypoints 
on the elevation
graph *
Go to the Home screen.

Start the Settings App.

Scroll down to Apps. Tap it.

Scroll down to iHikeGPS. Tap it.

Tap  Waypoints on Elevation Graph   .

Print the
Tap(Share),   then  Elevation Graph Image .
Tap  Print Graph Image         .
Under Printer Options, select your printer.
Tap  Print  .
* Waypoints from the main waypoints list which are within about 400 feet of a point on the track are shown.

Sharing the Elevation Graph:

Copy the
graph to the
Tap(Share),   then  Elevation Graph Image .
Tap  Copy Graph ImageImage to Clipboard             to the clipboard.
Save the
graph to the
Photos app
Tap(Share),   then  Elevation Graph Image .
Tap  Save Image in Photos             .
Save the
graph to the
Notes app
Tap(Share),   then  Elevation Graph Image .
Tap   .
         Add to Notes
Save the
graph to
iCloud Drive
Tap(Share),   then  Elevation Graph Image .
Tap  Save to Files            .
Send the
graph to
Tap(Share),   then  Elevation Graph Image .
Tap  Copy Image To or Air Drop, Message, or Mail.

Track Gaps and Track Segments:

What you see on the map A gap in the track.
What you see on the graph

Dotted light brown vertical lines separate track segments.

The distance traveled during a gap is not shown.
Why a Gap Happens

Lost GPS Satellite reception.

Device is turned off or Battery charge goes to zero.

Record Track is  Off .

Record Track set to  When Live :

       Your iOS device goes to sleep.

       You switch to another App.

Record Track set to  Until Drive :

       You exceed 20 mph for 8 seconds.

Record Track set to  Always :

       iOS needs the memory for another App.

      You remove iHikeGPS from the Recent Apps list.

Selecting a Range of Track Segments to Display on the Elevation Graph and the My Location screen:

Choose the beginning track segment to display.

  1 is the oldest recorded track segment.

  The highest number you can get to by tapping +
  is the track segment that is currently being recorded.
Choose the ending track segment to display.

  Set this to the same number as the left control
  to view only that one track segment.

These settings can also be used to select which track segments are used to create a route, to send in a GPX or KML file, or to delete from the track.

A track segment which is currently being recorded is always shown on the My Location screen even if it is not selected by these settings.

Track Timer, Odometer and Average Speed

If the selected track segments are all from the same hike, then view these numbers at the bottom of the track screen in the form

1:52    5.04 miles    2.7 mph average

The total elapsed time, including the time stopped and the time spend during any gaps, is shown in hours:minutes.

The total distance travelled, including the straight line distance between the ending and beginning track points of a gap, is shown in the units selected in the Settings app.

The average speed of all the track segments selected (excluding gaps and stopped time) is shown in the units selected in the Settings app.

If you have selected a group of track segments which appear to include track segments from more than one hike due to a large distance or a long time span for one of the gaps, then none of these numbers are shown because the app has no way to determine what you did during the gap. Reduce the number of track segments shown to view the numbers.

Deleting Track Segments:

Delete the
entire track 

Create a backup by emailing the track to yourself.

Tap .   Tap  Delete Entire Track  to remove the entire track from your device and the iCloud backup.
a range
of track
Choose the beginning track segment to delete.   Left  

Choose the ending track segment to delete.     Right  

Tap .   Tap  Delete Track Segments … .

Auto-Delete: After 20000 track points have been recorded, the oldest track points are replaced with new ones.

Waypoints Screen:

Waypoint Coordinates are in the WGS 84 datum.
   +  Add a new waypoint.
  Share as a GPX or KML file.
a waypoint name           View, Edit, Hide, Delete, Go To, or Cancel Go To that waypoint.
Search bar Filter the waypoints by entering text contained in the name
or note, or by entering a latitude and/or longitude.
Cancel Stop search, remove on-screen keyboard.
Status bar Time Jump to the top of the list.
Scroll down to
Show Only Route Waypoints        Hide the display of all waypoint icons, names and comments except those used for the currently active navigation.
  Delete All  Clear all waypoints from the iOS device and the iCloud backup.
  Delete New  Clear all newly imported, created or moved waypoints from the iOS device and the iCloud backup.

A maximum of 8000 waypoints can be stored.

Adding Waypoints on the My Location Screen:

Add a waypoint
by Marking a location
Tap   , then Tap Current Location or Anywhere on the Map.
Tap  Add New Waypoint            .

Optionally name your waypoint using letters, numbers & spaces.

Optionally enter the Elevation or tap   Get From DEM Data .

Optionally tap the waypoint icon to choose a new icon.

Optionally erase the date and time in the Note.

Tap  Add  at the top.

Add a waypoint and
immediately start
navigating to it
Instead of tapping   Add  at the top:

If the keyboard is covering the green button,

tap    Done  on the keyboard.

Tap  Add & Go To  .

Add an instant
waypoint for your
current position
Push and Hold    .

Named with the current date and time.

Add a waypoint using 
the distance and
direction from a point
you Mark
Tap   , then Tap Current Location or Anywhere on the Map.
Tap  Projected Waypoint            .

Optionally name your new waypoint.

Optionally tap the waypoint icon to choose a new icon.

Enter the Bearing from the starting point to the projected waypoint.

Enter the Distance to the projected waypoint.

Optionally enter the Elevation or tap   Get From DEM Data .

Tap  Add  at the top.

Adding Waypoints on the Track Screen:

Add a waypoint
using a point
on the
Elevation Graph
With one finger on the graph move the green line to the spot where you want a waypoint. Keep that finger down.
Using a 2nd finger : Tap(Share).
Optionally name your waypoint using letters, numbers & spaces.

Optionally enter the Elevation or tap   Get From DEM Data .

Optionally tap the waypoint icon to choose a new icon.

Optionally erase or replace the Note text.

Tap  Add  at the top (or   Add & Go To   at the bottom).

Adding Waypoints on the Waypoints Screen:

Add a waypoint
using your
Current Position

Tap  +  .   Tap  Current Location .

Optionally name your waypoint using letters, numbers & spaces.

Optionally enter the Elevation or tap   Get From DEM Data .

Optionally tap the waypoint icon to choose a new icon.

Optionally erase or replace the Note text.

Tap  Add  at the top (or   Add & Go To   at the bottom).
Add a waypoint
by finding its location
on a Satellite Map
Requires an
Internet connection
Tap  +  .   Tap  Satellite Map Locator .

Center the waypoint location under the crosshairs. Tap Mark .

Optionally name your waypoint using letters, numbers & spaces.

Optionally enter the Elevation or tap   Get From DEM Data .

Optionally tap the waypoint icon to choose a new icon.

Tap  Add  at the top (or   Add & Go To   at the bottom).

Add a waypoint
by searching for the
location coordinates
of a Place Name

Requires an
Internet connection

Tap  +  .   Tap  Place Name or Address Lookup .

Enter the Place Name using letters, numbers, commas and spaces.
 End with a comma and the 2 letter state or province abbreviation.

Tap  Search Places 

Verify the location. Place Name databases have inaccuracies. Two different places might have the same name.

Tap  Add  at the top (or   Add & Go To   at the bottom).

Add a waypoint
using Latitude and
Easting and Northing  

Choose the
Position Format
in the Settings app

Tap  +  .   Tap  Latitude and Longitude ,  UTM/UPS Coordinates ,
                    or  USNG/MGRS Coordinates .

Optionally name your waypoint using letters, numbers & spaces.

Optionally enter the Elevation or tap   Get From DEM Data .

Optionally tap the waypoint icon to choose a new icon.

Enter the coordinates.

  To find coordinates, look up the site’s name on Wikipedia.
  In the USA or Canada, enter a minus sign in front of longitude numbers.

With latitude comma longitude on the clipboard,
paste into either empty text field to fill both.
Tap  Add  at the top (or   Add & Go To   at the bottom).
Add a waypoint
using the distance
and direction from
an existing waypoint

Tap  +  .   Tap  Bearing and Distance 

Tap the starting waypoint.

Optionally name your new waypoint.

Optionally tap the waypoint icon to choose a new icon.

Enter the Bearing from the starting waypoint to the projected waypoint.

Enter the Distance to the projected waypoint.

Optionally enter the Elevation or tap   Get From DEM Data .

Tap  Add  at the top (or   Add & Go To   at the bottom).

Importing Waypoints:

Add a waypoint on
the Waypoints screen

by using a
geotagged photo
from your Photos app

Tap  +  , then tap  A Geotagged Photo .

Tap the thumbnail image of the photo.

Optionally name your waypoint using letters, numbers & spaces.

Optionally enter the Elevation or tap   Get From DEM Data .

Optionally tap the waypoint icon to choose a new icon.

Tap  Add  at the top (or   Add & Go To   at the bottom).
Add waypoint(s) by
exporting a “.GPX”,
“.KML”, or “.LOC”
waypoints file
to iHikeGPS
from a web site link
in Safari
Go to the web page.

Tap the download link.

Tap Open In… if it appears. If not and you see nothing:

  Open the Files app.

  Open the Downloads folder

Tap ,  Downloads.

Find the downloaded file.

Tap the file icon.


Scroll horizontally to the Copy to iHikeGPS icon. Tap it.

Add waypoint(s) by
exporting a “.GPX”,
“.KML”, or “.LOC”
waypoints file
to iHikeGPS
from another app
on your iOS device
Use(Share) in that app.

Scroll horizontally to the Copy to iHikeGPS icon. Tap it.

Add waypoint(s) by
importing a “.GPX”,
“.KML”, or “.LOC”
waypoints file
from iCloud Drive
Open the Files app.

Tap the waypoints file.


Scroll horizontally to the iHikeGPS icon. Tap it.
Add waypoint(s) by
importing a “.GPX”,
“.KML”, or “.LOC”
waypoints file
from the Notes app
on your iOS device
Open the Notes app.

Tap the note containing a waypoints file attachment.

Tap the attachment box.


Scroll horizontally to the Copy to iHikeGPS icon. Tap it.

Add waypoint(s) by
importing a “.GPX”,
“.KML”, or “.LOC”
waypoints file
to iHikeGPS
on your iOS device
from another device

Use AirDrop

Use email

Use Messages

Use Dropbox

Use the Mac Finder
(or iTunes)

Details of a Specific Waypoint:

Newly added or edited waypoints are shown in red, hidden waypoints in gray, Go To waypoints in green.

View the details of a waypoint Tap the waypoint name.
View a waypoint on a map Tap the waypoint name, then tap  View On A Map  .
If no appropriate stored map is available, the map download screen will appear. If you choose to not download a map, you will see the waypoint in Don't Show a Topo Map mode.
View the Az/El sky graph with sunrise, sunset, moonrise and moonset times, and the moon phase for the waypoint location Tap the waypoint name.

Tap .

View the weather report for the waypoint location Tap the waypoint name.

Tap .

Update to iOS 16 or later to view weather information.
Edit a waypoint Tap the waypoint name, then tap  Edit  at the top.

Make your changes.

Tap  Done .
Add the Elevation by searching a Digital Elevation Model database

Requires an Internet connection

Tap the waypoint name, then tap  Edit  at the top.

Tap   Get From
        DEM Data 

Choose a new waypoint icon Tap the waypoint name, then tap  Edit  at the top.

Tap the waypoint icon.

Tap the new icon.

Tap  Done .
Show the name
of a new waypoint icon
Tap the waypoint name, then tap  Edit  at the top.

Tap the waypoint icon.

Press and hold the new icon.
Choose a new waypoint icon
for multiple waypoints
Tap  Edit  at the top.
Tap the icon button ▢ so the outline turns blue
to select each waypoint for editing.
Tap(Share), then tap  Selected ( ▢ ) Waypoints .
Tap  Change Selected Icons           .
Tap the new icon.
Hide a single waypoint so it is not
visible on the My Location screen
Tap the waypoint name, then tap  Edit  at the top.
Tap  Visible   OFF. Tap  Done .
Hide all waypoints except for
those being used for navigation
Scroll to the bottom.

Tap  Show Only Route Waypoints   to ON.

Show text only (Name & Note)
with no waypoint icon
Tap the waypoint name, then tap  Edit  at the top.

Tap the waypoint icon.

Tap the blank icon.

Tap  Done .
Show Names & waypoint icons
only with no Note text
Go to the Home screen. Start the Settings App.

Scroll down to Apps. Tap it.

Scroll down to iHikeGPS. Tap it.

Tap  Show Waypoint Notes on Map   to OFF.
Move a waypoint to your
current location and elevation
Tap the waypoint name, then tap  Edit  at the top.
Tap  Move To Here . Tap  Done .
Move a waypoint
to anywhere on the
My Location screen
Tap    , then tap  Anywhere on the Map  .

Move the map to center the waypoint to be moved
under the red crosshairs.

Tap    , then tap  Move: …    .

Move the map to center the new position
under the red crosshairs.

Tap    .

Select a regular waypoint
to Edit or Go To from the
My Location screen
Tap    , then tap  Anywhere on the Map  .

Move the map to center the waypoint to be selected
under the red crosshairs.

Tap    , then tap  Edit or Go To: ….

Measuring Distance Between Waypoints:

View the distance
between 2 waypoints

Tap , then tap  +  .

Tap  Waypoints .

Tap the name of the 1st waypoint.

Tap the button.

Tap  After this Waypoint .

Tap the name of the 2nd waypoint.

Read the distance.

Tap when you are done.

Sharing Waypoints:

Send all waypoints
via email
Tap(Share), then  All Waypoints , then   . In GPX format.
Email queued in your out box. Sent when the Internet connects.
Send a group of
selected waypoints
via email
Tap  Edit  in the top bar.
Tap the icon button ▢ so the outline turns blue
 to select each waypoint for sending.
Tap(Share), then  Selected ( ▢ ) Waypoints  , then   .
Send one waypoint
via email
Tap the Waypoint to send.
Tap  Go To  , then tap  < Waypoints  in the top bar.
Tap(Share), then  Go To Waypoint  , then   .
After finishing the email, tap the Waypoint again. Tap  Cancel Go To  .
Send waypoints
in GPX or KML
format to
other apps or
other devices

Use AirDrop

Use Dropbox

Use email (GPX only)

Use Copy to Send to another app

Use Messages (GPX only)

Use the Mac Finder
(or iTunes)

Save waypoints
in GPX format to
the Notes app
Tap  All Waypoints  or  Selected ( ▢ ) Waypoints  or  Go To Waypoint .
Tap    Add to Notes.
Save waypoints
in GPX or KML
format to
iCloud Drive
Tap  All Waypoints  or  Selected ( ▢ ) Waypoints  or  Go To Waypoint .
Tap    or    ,  then  .
Tap   for a GPX file,  or  Tap   ,  then .
View waypoints
in Google Earth
The Google Earth app
must be installed.
Tap  All Waypoints  or  Selected ( ▢ ) Waypoints  or  Go To Waypoint .
Tap  Copy to …   .   Tap the Google Earth app icon.

Deleting Waypoints:

Delete a waypoint Tap the waypoint name.  Tap .


Swipe the waypoint name left.  Tap  Delete  .


Tap  Edit.  Tap ,   Delete  ,  Done  .
Delete ALL waypoints

Create a backup by emailing the waypoints to yourself.

Scroll to the bottom of the page.

Tap  Delete All  .

Confirm by tapping  Delete ALL Waypoints  .
Delete New waypoints

When you import a GPX file and get waypoints you don’t want.

While scrolling to the bottom of the page, note all waypoints with red names. They will be deleted.

Tap  Delete New  .

Confirm by tapping  Delete New (RED) Waypoints  .

Navigating to Go To Waypoints:

A Go To waypoint is a waypoint indicating your planned destination. It can be either the final destination of your hike or some important place along the way.

On the Waypoints Screen:

Set a Go To waypoint Add the waypoint if it is not already on the list.

Tap the waypoint name.   Tap  Go To  .

Set a Go To waypoint and
jump to the My Location screen.
Tap the waypoint name.   Press and hold  Go To  .

            or, for a shortcut

Press and hold the waypoint name.
Clear a Go To waypoint

Tap the Go To waypoint name (shown in green text).

Tap  Cancel Go To  .

            or, for a shortcut

Press and hold the Go To waypoint name.

While navigating to a Go To waypoint, the Waypoints tab looks like this

and the top bar of the My Location screen shows this navigation information:

The Estimated Time of Arrival is recalculated every few seconds, based on the trail just traveled since the Go To waypoint was set, and assuming that the trail ahead is similar in twistiness, steepness, and general direction. The ETA will not appear until you have hiked a couple of minutes with track recording turned on, so your average speed can be more accurately determined.

The elevation difference will be shown only if the Go To waypoint has an elevation entry.

If your speed exceeds 9 miles per hour, then the Course (the direction you are moving) will be shown in black text instead of the compass reading in gray text.
Set a Go To Waypoint
from the My Location screen
Tap   , then tap  Anywhere on the Map  .

Center the desired waypoint under the red crosshairs.

Tap   , then tap   Edit or Go To:     .

Press and hold   Go To  .

Routes Screen:

Route point coordinates are in the WGS 84 datum.
  Route Made with Waypoints
  Route Converted from a Track Log
  Route Converted from a Segmented Track Log

   +  Add a new route.
Don’t Show Any Route  No route is shown on the My Location map.
a route name Make this the active route.
    Only the active route is shown on the My Location map
  Share as a GPX or KML file.
  Edit, view, navigate or delete that route.
Search bar Filter the routes by entering text contained in the name or note.
Cancel Stop search, remove on-screen keyboard.
Status bar Time Jump to the top of the list.
Scroll down to
Delete All Clear all routes from the iOS device and the iCloud backup.
 Delete New Clear all newly created or imported routes from the iOS device and the iCloud backup.
A maximum of 2000 routes can be stored.
Each route can have up to 200 named route waypoints or 20000 unnamed route points.

Adding Routes:

Add a new Route
using existing
Tap  +  .

Tap  Waypoints .

Tap the name of the waypoint where your route will start.

Tap (Insert) on the first route waypoint line.

Tap  Insert After this Waypoint .

Tap  Insert a Waypoint .

Tap the name of the last waypoint on your route.

Continue inserting waypoints until the route is finished.

Name your route using letters, numbers & spaces.

Add a Note (optional).

Tap  Done  at the top.

Add a new Route
by converting
the current track
into a route
Tap   +  .

Tap  Entire Current Track  or  Track Segments … .

(Set segments on the track screen.)

Tap  Edit .

Name your route using letters, numbers & spaces.

Add a Note (optional).

Tap  Done  at the top.

Add a new Route
by copying an
existing route
and then editing it
Tap   +  .

Tap  Copy an Existing Route .

Tap the name of the route to copy.

Edit the route.

Tap  Done  at the top.
Add a new Route
by reversing an
existing route
and then editing it
Tap   +  .

Tap  Reverse of an Existing Route .

Tap the name of the route to reverse.

Edit the route.

Tap  Done  at the top.

Importing Routes:

Add new Route(s) by
importing a “.GPX”
route or track file,
a “.TCX” fitness file,
or a “.KML” path file to
iHikeGPS from a
web site link in Safari
Go to the web page.

Tap the download link.

Tap Open In… if it appears. If not and you see nothing:

  Open the Files app.

  Open the Downloads folder

Tap ,  Downloads.

Find the downloaded file.

Tap the file icon.


Scroll horizontally to the Copy to iHikeGPS icon. Tap it.

Add new Route(s) by
importing a “.GPX”
route or track file,
a “.TCX” fitness file,
or a “.KML” path file to
iHikeGPS from another
app on your iOS device
Use(Share) in that app.

Scroll horizontally to the Copy to iHikeGPS icon. Tap it.

Add new Route(s) by
importing a “.GPX”
route or track file,
a “.TCX” fitness file,
or a “.KML” path file
from iCloud Drive
Open the Files app.

Tap the route or track file.


Scroll horizontally to the iHikeGPS icon. Tap it.
Add new Route(s) by
importing a “.GPX”
route or track file
from the Notes app
on your iOS device
Open the Notes app.

Tap the note holding a route, track, path, or fitness file attachment.

Tap the attachment box.


Scroll horizontally to the iHikeGPS icon. Tap it.

Add new Route(s) by
importing a “.GPX”
route or track file,
a “.TCX” fitness file,
or a “.KML” path file
to your iOS device
from another device

Use AirDrop

Use email

Use Messages

Use Dropbox

Use the Mac Finder
(or iTunes)

The Routes screen shows newly added or edited routes in red.

Details of a Specific Route:

View the details o a route Tap for that route.
View a route on a map Tap for that route.
Tap  View On A Map  .
If no stored map is available, the map download screen will appear. If you choose to not download a map, you will see the route in Don't Show a Topo Map mode.
View a route’s elevation graph Tap for that route.

Tap  View Elevation Graph  .

Edit a route Tap for that route.
Tap  Edit  at the top.

Make your changes.

Tap  Done .
View the area enclosed by
a route converted from a track log *
Tap for that route.
Scroll to the bottom.

Read the enclosed area in the bottom left corner.

* The route will be closed by adding an additional segment from the last point to the first point. The route line, including this additional segment, must not cross itself, or enclose the north pole or the south pole, or else the calculated area will be incorrect. Uses a spherical earth approximation.

Navigating a Route:

Start navigating a route
Tap for that route, then
Tap  Navigate Forward  or  Navigate Reverse  .
Start navigating a route and
jump to the My Location screen
Tap for that route, then
Press and hold
        Navigate Forward  or  Navigate Reverse  ,

            or, for a shortcut

Press and hold the route name (for Forward).
Show ETAs to the final destination
and all intermediate waypoints
Turn on track recording
Stop navigating a route Tap for that route, then
Tap  Cancel Forward  or  Cancel Reverse  ,

            or, for a shortcut

Press and hold the route name.
Get driving directions to the
start of a route
Requires an Internet connection
Tap for that route, then
Tap  Driving Directions To .

While navigating a route, the Routes tab looks like this

Sharing Routes:

Send one route
via email
in GPX format
Tap the Route to send.
Tap(Share), then  Active Route (✓)  , then   .
Email queued in your out box. Sent when the Internet connects.
Send a group of
selected routes
via email
Tap  Edit  in the top bar.
Tap the icon button ▢ so the outline turns blue
 to select each route for sending.
Tap(Share), then  Selected ( ▢ ) Routes  , then   .
Send all routes
via email
Tap(Share), then  All Routes , then   .
Send a route
and all nearby
visible waypoints
in a single file
via email
Tap the Route to send, then(Share).
Tap  Active Route (✓) , then  Include Waypoints , then   .
Note: Exclude any unwanted nearby waypoints by going to the
          Waypoints screen and turning off their Visible switches.
Send routes
in GPX or KML
format to
other apps or
other devices

Use AirDrop

Use Dropbox

Use email (GPX only)

Use Copy to Send to another app

Use Messages (GPX only)

Use the Mac Finder
(or iTunes)

Save routes
in GPX format to
the Notes app
Tap  Active Route (✓)  or  Selected ( ▢ ) Routes  or  All Routes  .
Tap    Add to Notes.
Save routes
in GPX or KML
format to
iCloud Drive
Tap  Active Route (✓)  or  Selected ( ▢ ) Routes  or  All Routes  .
Tap    or    ,  then  .
Tap   for a GPX file,  or  Tap   ,  then .
Share or print a 
route’s elevation graph
Tap for that route.
Tap  View Elevation Graph  . Then tap(Share).
View routes
in Google Earth
The Google Earth app
must be installed.
Tap  Active Route (✓)  or  Selected ( ▢ ) Routes  or  All Routes  .
Tap  Copy to …   .   Tap the Google Earth app icon.

Deleting Routes:

Delete a route
Tap for that route.   Tap .
Swipe route name left. Tap  Delete  .


Tap  Edit.  Tap ,   Delete  ,  Done  .
Delete ALL routes

Create a backup by emailing all routes to yourself.

Scroll to the bottom of the page.

Tap  Delete All  .

Confirm by tapping  Delete ALL Routes  .
Delete New routes

When you import a GPX file and get routes you don’t want.

While scrolling to the bottom of the page, note all routes with red names. They will be deleted.

Tap  Delete New  .

Confirm by tapping  Delete New (RED NAME) Routes  .

Types of Routes:

  Route with Waypoints

Route waypoint names are shown in Italics  to distinguish them from regular waypoints.

While Showing the Details of a Route:

View On
A Map
Picks the best already-downloaded map.

Shows it on the My Location screen.

If no stored map is available, the map download screen will appear. If you choose to not download a map, you will see the route in Don't Show a Topo Map mode.
Start at route waypoint 1.

Automatically Go To each waypoint in order. *

Start at the last waypoint.

Automatically Go To each waypoint in reverse order. *

a waypoint name
(when navigating)
Manually make this waypoint the Go To waypoint.
Stop the currently active navigation.
Swipe waypoint name left    Delete  that waypoint from the route.
Clear the whole route from the iOS device
and the iCloud backup.
Status bar Time Jump to the top of the list.
  Routes  Return to the Routes screen.
   Edit  Edit the Route.

* When any waypoint is repeated in the route waypoints list hence forming a loop, then you must pass within 500 feet of any waypoint in order to automatically switch Go To to the next waypoint. Manually tap the appropriate new Go To waypoint if necessary.

After Tapping  Edit :

Name text Edit the route name.
Note text Edit the route note.
  Insert a waypoint before or after this waypoint.
    for the first waypoint Optionally combine routes by inserting another waypoint route before the first route waypoint.
    for the last waypoint Optionally combine routes by inserting another waypoint route after the last route waypoint.
a waypoint name Edit the waypoint name, note, location and elevation,
or delete the waypoint from the route.
   Cancel  Keep the route as it was with no changes.
   Done  Save changes to the route.

Route waypoint names are shown in Italics  to distinguish them from regular waypoints.

Each waypoint entry in the table shows the great circle distance and bearing from the previous waypoint and the total distance along the route. When the distance is long enough that the bearing changes along the path, the “at” bearing is the bearing leaving the previous waypoint, and the “to” bearing is the bearing arriving at the new waypoint.

The route screen shows newly added or edited waypoints in red.

If a route waypoint is identical to a regular waypoint, then they are linked so that only one of them shows on the map. To break the link:

  • Edit the route waypoint      or
  • Edit the regular waypoint when the route containing the route waypoint IS NOT selected on the Routes screen.

To edit a waypoint without breaking the link:

  • Edit the regular waypoint when the route containing the route waypoint IS selected on the Routes screen.

Deleting one of the linked waypoints will not delete the other.

  Route Converted from a Track Log

While Showing the Details of a Route:

View On
A Map
Picks the best already-downloaded map.

Shows it on the My Location screen.

If no stored map is available, the map download screen will appear. If you choose to not download a map, you will see the route in Don't Show a Topo Map mode.
Shows a plot of Elevation versus Distance for the route.
This route does not have elevation data. Not tappable.
Follow the route from start to finish.
Follow the route in the opposite direction.

Reverse the direction of the Route Elevation Graph.

Stop the currently active navigation.
Clear the whole route from the iOS device
and the iCloud backup.
  Routes  Return to the Routes screen.
   Edit  Edit the Route.

While navigating, the navigation information in the top bar on the My Location screen will automatically include the distance and ETA information for the next waypoint from the main waypoint list which is within about 500 feet of the route path.

This works best for routes which are one way paths. Don't make the trip there and the trip back on the same trail into a single route. Use  Navigate Forward  on the path for the trip there, and then use  Navigate Reverse  for the trip back.

After Tapping  Edit :

Name text Edit the route name.
Note text Edit the route note.
    Beginning of Route Combine routes by inserting another track route
before the existing route.
    End of Route Combine routes by inserting another track route
after the existing route.
   Cancel  Keep the route as it was with no changes.
   Done  Save changes to the route.

Route as Shown on 2 Screens:

       My Location            Route Elevation

Not Editing: Route Line
While Editing: Route Line with Centered Point

Delete a Point on the Route while Editing:

  1. If the keyboard is showing, tap   Done   on the keyboard.
  2. Tap   .
  3. Tap    , then tap  Anywhere on the Map  .
  4. Move the map to center the desired route point under the red crosshairs.
  5. Optionally, now temporarily go to the Route Elevation Screen, and use
        Previous Next Route Point
    to position the red crosshairs over the exact desired route point. The crosshairs on both screens will always have the same point centered. When you move one, it also moves the other.
  6. Tap    on the My Location screen.
  7. Tap  Delete Route Point       .

Insert a Gap into the Route while Editing:

  1. If the keyboard is showing, tap   Done   on the keyboard.
  2. Tap   .
  3. Tap    , then tap  Anywhere on the Map  .
  4. Move the map to center in the red crosshairs the route point that you want to be the first point after the new gap.
  5. Tap    .
  6. Tap  Insert Route Gap Before       .

Route Elevation Graph:

View Average
% Grade
Trace the route on the graph with two fingers.

Shows the average route grade between your two fingers.

Grade indicates the slope of the route.
It is the elevation gain or loss (-) divided by the distance.
Show or not show
waypoints on the
elevation graph *
Go to the Home screen.

Start the Settings App.

Scroll down to Apps. Tap it.

Scroll down to iHikeGPS. Tap it.

Tap  Waypoints on Elevation Graph   .

Print the
Tap(Share),   then  Print Graph Image           .

Under Printer Options, select your printer.

Tap  Print  .
Copy the elevation
graph to the
Tap(Share),   then  Copy Image to Clipboard         .
Save the elevation
graph to the
Photos app
Tap(Share),   then  Save Image in Photos         .
Save the elevation
graph to the
Notes app
Tap(Share),   then     Add to Notes .
Save the elevation
graph to
iCloud Drive
Tap(Share) , then   .
Send the elevation
graph to others
Tap  Copy Image To or Air Drop, Message, or Mail.
* Waypoints from the main waypoints list which are within about 400 feet of a point on the route path are shown. These waypoints are not stored with the route.

  Route Converted from a Segmented Track Log

While Showing the Details of a Route:

View On
A Map
Picks the best already-downloaded map.

Shows it on the My Location screen.

If no stored map is available, the map download screen will appear. If you choose to not download a map, you will see the route in Don't Show a Topo Map mode.
Shows a plot of Elevation versus Distance for the route.

Gaps show the straight line distance between gap end points.

This route does not have elevation data. Not tappable.
Start at the beginning of the first route segment. Follow the route to the end of the last segment, including gaps.
Start at the end of the last route segment. Follow the route to the beginning of the first route segment, including gaps.

Reverse the direction of the Elevation Graph.
Segment numbering does not change.

Stop the currently active navigation.
Swipe a Gap left  Delete  the Gap to join the two adjacent route Segments.
Swipe a route Segment  Delete  that route Segment from the route.
Clear the whole route from the iOS device
and the iCloud backup.
Status bar Time Jump to the top of the list.
  Routes  Return to the Routes screen.
   Edit  Edit the Route.

While navigating, the navigation information in the top bar on the My Location screen will automatically include the distance and ETA information for the next waypoint from the main waypoint list which is within about 500 feet of the route path.

This works best for routes which are one way paths. Don't make the trip there and the trip back on the same trail into a single route. Use  Navigate Forward  on the path for the trip there, and then use  Navigate Reverse  for the trip back.

After Tapping  Edit :

Name text Edit the route name.
Note text Edit the route note.
Visible Hide or show that route Segment on the My Location map.
  for a Segment Delete that route Segment from the route.
  for a Gap Delete the Gap to join the two adjacent route Segments together.
  Beginning of Route Combine routes by inserting another track route
before the first route segment.
  End of Route Combine routes by inserting another track route
after the last route segment.
   Cancel  Keep the route as it was with no changes.
   Done  Save changes to the route.

Segmented Route as Shown on 2 Screens:

       My Location            Route Elevation

Not Editing: Route Line
While Editing: Route Line with Centered Point

Delete a Point on the Route while Editing:

  1. If the keyboard is showing, tap   Done   on the keyboard.
  2. Tap   .
  3. Tap    , then tap  Anywhere on the Map  .
  4. Move the map to center the desired route point under the red crosshairs.
  5. Optionally, now temporarily go to the Route Elevation Screen, and use
        Previous Next Route Point
    to position the red crosshairs over the exact desired route point. The crosshairs on both screens will always have the same point centered. When you move one, it also moves the other.
  6. Tap    on the My Location screen.
  7. Tap  Delete Route Point       .

Insert a Gap into the Route while Editing:

  1. If the keyboard is showing, tap   Done   on the keyboard.
  2. Tap   .
  3. Tap    , then tap  Anywhere on the Map  .
  4. Move the map to center in the red crosshairs the route point that you want to be the first point after the new gap.
  5. Tap    .
  6. Tap  Insert Route Gap Before       .

Route Elevation Graph:

View Average
% Grade
Trace the route on the graph with two fingers.

Shows the average route grade between your two fingers.

Grade indicates the slope of the route.
It is the elevation gain or loss (-) divided by the distance.
Show or not show
waypoints on the
elevation graph *
Go to the Home screen.

Start the Settings App.

Scroll down to Apps. Tap it.

Scroll down to iHikeGPS. Tap it.

Tap  Waypoints on Elevation Graph   .

Print the
Tap(Share),   then  Print Graph Image           .

Under Printer Options, select your printer.

Tap  Print  .
Copy the elevation
graph to the
Tap(Share),   then  Copy Image to Clipboard         .
Save the elevation
graph to the
Photos app
Tap(Share),   then  Save Image in Photos         .
Save the elevation
graph to the
Notes app
Tap(Share),   then     Add to Notes .
Save the elevation
graph to
iCloud Drive
Tap(Share),   then  Save to Files         .
Send the elevation
graph to others
Tap  Copy Image To or Air Drop, Message, or Mail.
* Waypoints from the main waypoints list which are within about 400 feet of a point on the route path are shown. These waypoints are not stored with the route.

Route Gaps and Route Segments:

What you see on the graph

Dotted light brown vertical lines show route gaps.

The distance traveled during a gap is shown as the straight line distance between the two points.

Selecting a Range of Route Segments to Display on the Elevation Graph:

Choose the beginning route segment to display.

  1 is the first route segment.

  The highest number you can get to by tapping +
  is the last route segment.
Choose the ending route segment to display.

  Set this to the same number as the left control
  to view only that one route segment.

Map List Screen:

To add a new map to the iOS Device's memory or to search for a place name,
you must have a WiFi connection or cell service.

To Download a New Topo Map on the Map List Screen

Tap  +  , then choose one:


Current Location

(where you are now)

Then tap one of these buttons:

    Add USA    
24K Forest
 Service Map 
Add Canada 50K
AB NB Nfld< 54°N
Others< 50°N Map
    Add USA    
    Add USA    
Add Canada 250K
To download two or more map types in a single operation, place a finger on each button, then lift all of your fingers off the screen simultaneously.
Relative to Current Map
North, South, East, or West of the map currently
showing on the My Location screen.
Same Map Location
Use when, for example, you have a USGS map and you want
a US Forest Service map for the same area.
Satellite Map Locator
Find the place you want on a satellite map. *
Place Name
Quad Name
Search for location coordinates by:
    Geographic feature
    24K US Geological Survey topo map name
    24K US Forest Service topo map name
    50K Natural Resources Canada topo map name
    63K USGS Alaska topo map name
          Add a comma and the 2 letter state or province abbreviation.
Latitude & Longitude
UTM/UPS Coordinates
USNG/MGRS Coordinates
In the USA or Canada,
use a minus sign in front of longitude numbers.
        Change the Position Format in the Settings app.
        With latitude comma longitude on the clipboard,
        paste into either empty text field to fill both.
All Points in a GPX File Use to download every map needed to show all location points included in a waypoints, tracks, routes, or map list GPX file.
Last Deleted Map
Re-download the map you just deleted.
Handy for updating a Forest Service map to the new version.

The Map List screen shows newly added maps in red.

* The Satellite Map Locator shows the border lines of your already-downloaded topo maps:

Open a topo map for a point
on the Satellite Map Locator screen
Pan the locator map to center the point at the crosshairs intersection.

Tap  View On A Map  .

If no map for that point has yet been downloaded, the map download screen will appear, allowing you to download one.
The My Location screen will appear showing the topo map centered on the point you selected.
Show the name of an already downloaded map which is visible
on the Satellite Map Locator screen      
Pan the locator map so the crosshairs intersection is inside the map border lines.

Tap  + .

Note the Map Name near the top of the screen.

Tap  Cancel .

Tap  Cancel .

The map list will scroll so the desired map is visible near the center of the screen.

Up to 2200 maps can be stored at one time.

They are sorted, first by center latitude and then by center longitude, so maps for adjacent areas tend to be close together in the list.

The map projection of each map is shown in gray on the right. Only maps with the same map projection can be stitched together. Thus in the example Map List above, only SAMS 24K and MONTROSE 250K can appear on the My Location screen at the same time.

The names of maps that are currently being shown on the My Location page are shown in BOLD text on the Map List page.

The colors of the latitude and longitude numbers indicate the map type:

USGS 24K map
USGS 100K or 63K map
USGS 250K Map
2018 US Forest Service 24K map
2013 US Forest Service 24K map
Canada 50K map
Canada 250K map

Use 24K, 50K or 63K maps while hiking, biking, skiing, jeeping, etc.

Use 100K or 250K maps for an overview or to see the entire length of an unusually long track or route, such as a multi-day hike.

To Download a New Topo Map on the My Location Screen

Double tap
a blank
white space
on the map
If no already-downloaded map appears in the white space:

Tap  Download Map .

Tap the  Add…  button for the map type that you want at the point where you double tapped.

then tap

Anywhere on
the Map

Move the map to center the point you want to see on the new map under the red crosshairs.

Tap    .


Tap  New Map
        New Scale

Tap the  Get…  button for the map type that you want.

then tap



Tap  New Map
        New Scale

Tap the  Get…  button for the map type that you want.

(The new map type that you choose to Get… will show as the map type for Current Location selected near the top of the Map List screen table.)

If You Have Trouble Finding the Correct Map

Try these web sites:


Latitude and Longitude.

Enter landmark name to search US Geological Survey list.

Latitude and Longitude.

Enter landmark name to search Natural Resources Canada list.

To Access Your Already-Downloaded Maps

Tap one of these options on the Maps List.

A checkmark shows your current choice.

Don’t Show a Topo Map *
(Use when out of the country.)
On the My Location screen, view your Tracks, Waypoints, Routes and Current Position on a white background.
USGS 24K Map for Current Location * Does 2 things:

1. While travelling or panning, a map of the tapped type will be shown if available.
The current preferred map type is indicated by underlined text,
e.g. USGS 24K Map.

2. As you travel, the My Location screen automatically switches maps as needed.
USGS 100K or 63K (Alaska) Map for Current Location *
USGS 250K Map for Current Location *
US Forest Service 24K Map for Current Location *
Canada 50K Map for Current Location *
Canada 250K Map for Current Location *
A specific map name on the map list * This map shows on the My Location screen whether your current location is there or not.

Use this option to view maps for other areas.

* Then tap the  My Location  tab once (not twice) to view the map.


   Press & hold the map name to immediately view that map on the My Location screen.

If a map of the preferred type is not available for any given location, then a map of another type will be shown automatically if possible. For example if you have chosen a 24K map as the preferred type, but the 24K map for that location has not been downloaded yet, then the correct 100K map or 250K map will be shown instead if it has been downloaded.

Time Jump to the top of the list.
Search bar Find an already-downloaded map by map name or latitude & longitude or scale. This search works by filtering the maps displayed in the Map List table to show only those which match the search criteria you have entered.
To see only maps within a 1° x 1° square area, enter whole numbers with no decimal point for the latitude and longitude. To see only maps within a 0.1° x 0.1° area, enter numbers with one digit after the decimal point.
To select by map scale, type 24K or 50K or 63K or 100K or 250K,
or 24K USGS or 24K USFS.
   Cancel  Stop search, remove on-screen keyboard.
   Edit  Remove a map: Tap ,   Delete  ,  Done  .
Scroll down to
   Delete All  Erase all downloaded maps from the iOS device.
 Delete New Clear all newly downloaded maps from the iOS device.
Use this if a download contains maps you didn’t expect and don’t want.

Sharing the Map List as a GPX Waypoints File:

All maps on the list are included.
Each waypoint's coordinates are for the center of that map.
Each waypoint's name, comment, and description are the map's sheet code, name, and map type.

Send the map list
via email
Tap(Share). Tap   .

Email queued in your out box. Sent when the Internet connects.

Send the map list
in GPX format
to other apps
or other devices

Use AirDrop

Use email

Use Messages

Use Dropbox

Use Copy to Send to another app

Save the map list
to the Notes app
Tap(Share).   Tap    Add to Notes.
Save the map list
to iCloud Drive
Tap(Share).   Tap   .   Tap   . Tap   Save to Files         .
To download all maps in a GPX map list file:
  On the Map List screen, tap  + , then tap  All Points in a GPX File.

Maps Available within iHikeGPS:

US Geological Survey (USGS) 24K topo maps are available for all of these areas.

US Geological Survey (USGS) 100K topo maps and USGS 250K topo maps are available for all of these areas except Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands and Guam.

US Forest Service 24K maps exist only for certain national forests and grasslands.

2018 USFS topo maps show forested areas and inholdings. Many of the trails are more accurately placed. They have very high resolution for superb Retina screen viewing and printing. They can stitch over the whole USA, but only with other 2018 USFS maps.

2013 USFS topo maps display faster and use less memory to store on your device. They can’t stitch across UTM zone boundaries, but they can stitch with USGS UTM maps, which makes them useful to get full coverage in areas with spotty USFS map availability.

Both the 2018 USFS and the 2013 USFS maps are available for download. Switch between them using the "Prefer New USFS Maps" toggle under iHikeGPS in the Settings app.


USGS 63K maps are available for all of Alaska. USGS 24K maps are available only for some densely populated areas. US Forest Service Maps are available for a few places in Alaska.


Natural Resources Canada 50K maps are available for the areas outlined in red. All areas south of 50° N latitude are included.

In British Columbia, Alberta, and Newfoundland all areas south of 54° latitude are included. In Saskatchewan, maps for Prince Albert National Park are included.

Natural Resources Canada 250K maps are available for the area outlined in red.

New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island.

Updating Maps:

New and considerably improved US Forest Service maps were issued in 2015. Especially if you downloaded Forest Service maps before the middle of August 2015, you may wish to download the newer version of those maps.

To get the newer version of an original Forest Service map that you had downloaded:

  1. In the Settings app, tap iHikeGPS.
  2. Be sure that Prefer New Forest Service Maps is ON.
  3. Go to the Home screen.
  4. Start iHikeGPS.
  5. Tap the Map List tab.
  6. Scroll to the map you want to update.
  7. Tap the map name so a checkmark appears.
  8. Tap  +  at the top left.
  9. Tap  Same Map Location  .
  10. Tap  Add USA US Forest Service Map .

USGS Topo Maps Legend:

2018 US Forest Service Topo Maps Legend:

Natural Resources Canada Topo Maps Legend:


GPX files are the preferred file type for exchanging waypoints, routes and tracks with other applications and other users, and for storing iHikeGPS data outside the app. Geocaching GPX files are recognized as such and imported intelligently.

KML files can contain many things besides waypoints, paths, and tracks. When importing a KML file, all of these other things are completely ignored. The waypoints are imported as waypoints. The paths and tracks are imported as routes.

TCX files are Training Center files. Read-only support is provided for single route import from fitness apps. The .tcx file name is used as the route name.

LOC files are simplified waypoint files from Read-only support is provided mostly for users with old LOC files. If you are doing a new download from a geocaching web site, get the GPX file instead of the LOC file whenever possible, as it contains more information.

Use AirDrop to Send Tracks, Waypoints or Routes to iHikeGPS:

Requires close proximity, but works even in the wilderness with no cell or Internet connection.
  1. Unlock your iOS device. Ask the sender to unlock their iOS device.
  2. Open Control Center on both devices.
  3. Long Press
  4. if it is showing.
  5. Tap Air Drop to see

    Tap  Everyone  on both devices.

  6. Close Control Center.
  7. Have the sender tap(Share) in the sending app for the GPX, KML, TCX, or LOC formatted data.
  8. If the sender sees then ask the sender to position his device very close to yours, and wait until he sees
    This may appear quickly, or it could take a couple of minutes. Move the devices closer if it is not working.
  9. Have the sender tap your name.
    You will see    

    Tap  iHikeGPS  .

If the AirDrop transfer fails:

  1. Open Control Center on both devices.
  2. Turn on Airplane Mode.
  3. Wait several seconds.
  4. Turn off Airplane Mode.
  5. Close Control Center.
  6. Try again.

Send Track, Waypoint and Route Files to iHikeGPS from a link on a web page.

  1. Go to the web page in Safari.
  2. Tap the download link.
  3. Tap Open In… if it appears.
  4. If not and you see nothing:
        Open the Files app.
        Open the Downloads folder.
    Tap the Safari Downloads button .
        Find the just-downloaded file.
        Tap the file icon.
        Tap (Share).
  5. Scroll horizontally to the Copy to iHikeGPS icon.
  6. Tap it.

Email Tracks, Waypoints and Routes To iHikeGPS:

Requires an Internet connection.
  1. Create an email with a “.GPX”, “.KML”, “.TCX”, or “.LOC” file attachment on another device.
  2. Send it to your iOS device's email address.
  3. Open it in Mail :
  4. If you see  Tap to Download  or a downward facing arrow, tap it and wait until the download is finished.
  1. Don’t tap the attachment icon button. Instead touch lightly (NOT 3D Touch) and hold your finger on the attachment icon button until you see a change in the display, then lift your finger.
  2. Tap:     Share     .
  3. Tap: Copy to iHikeGPS.

Use iMessage to Send Tracks, Waypoints and Routes To iHikeGPS:

Requires an Internet connection.
  1. Using the Messages app on another iOS device or a Mac, create a message with a “.GPX”, “.KML”, “.TCX”, or “.LOC” file attachment.
  2. Send it using iMessage (not SMS).
  3. Open it in the Messages app on your iOS device.
  4. Tap the gpx, kml, tcx, or loc file icon once quickly. If a new screen pops up showing the file text, go to step 9. If nothing happens in response to the tap, go on to step 5.
  5. If you are using iOS 12, tap the circular avatar image(s) at the top of the screen which show who the message is from (and the other participants in the message group if any).
  6. Tap to bring up a Details screen.
  7. Look near the bottom for
    Tap Attachments.
  8. You will see (scroll down if necessary) the file icon for the waypoint that you want to send to iHikeGPS. (There may be other icons showing also if other earlier parts of this iMessage conversation have attachments). Tap this file icon.
  9. Tap(Share).
  10. Tap: iHikeGPS.

Use Notes to Send Tracks, Waypoints and Routes To iHikeGPS:

  1. Open the Notes app. View a note which has a “.GPX”, “.KML”, “.TCX”, or “.LOC” file attachment.
  2. Touch and hold your finger on the attachment icon button until you see a change in the display, then lift your finger.
  3. Tap(Share).
  4. Tap: Copy to iHikeGPS.

Import a Tracks, Waypoints or Routes File Stored in iCloud Drive:

Requires an Internet connection.
  1. Open the Files app.
  2. Navigate to a “.GPX”, “.KML”, “.TCX”, or “.LOC” file.
  3. Tap the file.
  4. Tap(Share).
  5. Tap: iHikeGPS.

Use Dropbox to Send Tracks, Waypoints and Routes To iHikeGPS:

Requires an Internet connection.
  1. Install Dropbox on the device that contains the file.
  2. Transfer the “.GPX”, “.KML”, “.TCX”, or “.LOC” file to this Dropbox.
  3. Install the free Dropbox App on your iOS device.  
  4. Tap the Dropbox App icon.
  5. Tap the Files tab.
  6. Tap the desired file.
  7. Tap ... .   Then tap  Export .
  8. Tap:  Open In… .
  9. Tap: Copy to iHikeGPS.

Send Track, Waypoint and Route Files to iHikeGPS
using the  ihikegps://  URL scheme:

Requires an app on your device which can send a custom URL request.
  1. Create or locate a “.GPX”, “.KML”, “.TCX”, or “.LOC” file.
  2. Send the file using the  ihikegps://  custom URL scheme with the path to the file.

                    ihikegps://your_file_path                     (See instructions for the sending app.)

  3. Send  ihikegps://  by itself to simply open the iHikeGPS app without importing anything. You can preview this using Safari.

Use the Mac Finder or iTunes to Send
Tracks, Waypoints and Routes To iHikeGPS:

Requires connecting your iOS device to your computer with a USB cable.
  1. Open a Finder window or start iTunes on your computer.
  2. Select your iOS device in the pull-down menu from the top bar or in the left column.

  3. Click  Apps  or  File Sharing  or  Files  in the left column or in the top bar.

  4. Scroll down the page. Under File Sharing click iHikeGPS, or click the triangle next to the iHikeGPS icon.

  5. Select a “.GPX”, “.KML”, “.TCX”, or “.LOC” file which is under 5 MBytes in size,
    then drag and drop it onto the Inbox folder.
  6. Start iHikeGPS on your iOS device.

After Import:

Tab-bar icon badges show the number of new waypoints and/or routes imported.

The Waypoints screen shows the newly imported waypoints in red.

If the imported file contains a waypoint with a different location but the same name as an existing waypoint, then the new waypoint will be renamed rather than overwriting the existing waypoint. For example a waypoint with a duplicate name of “Campsite” would be renamed “Campsite01”.

The Routes screen shows the newly imported tracks and routes in red.

If the imported file contains a route or a track with the same name as an existing route, the new route will be renamed rather than overwriting the existing route. For example a route with a duplicate name of “Moab Trail” would be renamed “Moab Trail01”.

If the imported file contains routes or waypoints you didn’t expect and don’t want, Use the  Delete New  option (scroll to the bottom of the page) to remove them.


AirDrop,   Email,   Messages,   Dropbox,   Copy to,   iCloud,   Mac Finder or iTunes

Note: Export KML files only when the destination app is Google Earth. Otherwise export GPX files which contain more complete information for import into other apps.

Send Tracks, Waypoints, Routes or a Screen Image to another iOS device using AirDrop:

Requires close proximity, but works even in the wilderness with no cell or Internet connection.
  1. Unlock your iOS device. Ask the intended recipient to unlock their iOS device.
  2. Open Control Center on both devices.
  3. Long Press
  4. if it is showing.
  5. Tap Air Drop to see

    Tap  Everyone  on both devices.

  6. Close Control Center.
  7. Tap , , or .
  8. Tap(Share)   or      .
  9. Tap   Track Segments …  or   Entire Track   or   Elevation Graph Image   or
    Tap   All Waypoints    or   Selected ( ▢ ) Waypoints    or   Go To Waypoint   or
    Tap   Active Route (✓)   or   Selected ( ▢ ) Routes   or   All Routes   or
    Tap   Current Location   or   Anywhere on the Map  .
  10. Tap   , , or .

    Use KML only if you know the application you are sending to requires KML (i.e. Google Earth).

  11. If you see then ask the intended
    recipient to unlock their iOS device if it has gone into sleep mode.
  12. Position your device very close
    to theirs, and wait until you see
  13. This may appear quickly, or it could take a couple of minutes. Move the devices closer if it is not working.
  14. Tap the intended recipient. He will see something like

If the AirDrop transfer fails:

  1. Open Control Center on both devices.
  2. Turn on Airplane Mode.
  3. Wait several seconds.
  4. Turn off Airplane Mode.
  5. Close Control Center.
  6. Try again.

Send Tracks, Waypoints or Routes by Email:

Use any time. Email will be queued in the Mail app’s Outbox until you have an Internet connection.

Email includes a GPX file attachment.

  1. Tap , or .
  2. Tap(Share).
  3. Tap   Track Segments …  or   Entire Track   or
    Tap   All Waypoints    or   Selected ( ▢ ) Waypoints    or   Go To Waypoint   or
    Tap   Active Route (✓)   or   Selected ( ▢ ) Routes   or   All Routes   or
  4. Tap   .
  5. Enter an email address in the To: area.
  6. Optionally change the Subject and the body of the email.
  7. Tap  Send .

Send Tracks, Waypoints or Routes to Another Apple Device through Messages:

iMessage includes a GPX file attachment.

Requires an Internet connection.
  1. Tap , or .
  2. Tap(Share).
  3. Tap   Track Segments …  or   Entire Track   or
    Tap   All Waypoints    or   Selected ( ▢ ) Waypoints    or   Go To Waypoint   or
    Tap   Active Route (✓)   or   Selected ( ▢ ) Routes   or   All Routes   or
  4. Tap   . You may need to wait several seconds for the New Message screen to appear while the operating system checks for network availability.
  5. Enter a iPhone phone number or an iCloud email address in the To: area.
  6. Optionally change the text of the message.
  7. Tap  Send .

Send Tracks, Waypoints or Routes through Dropbox:

Use any time. The file will be queued until you have an Internet connection.
  1. Install the free Dropbox App on your iOS device.
  2. Tap , or .
  3. Tap(Share).
  4. Tap   Track Segments …  or   Entire Track   or
    Tap   All Waypoints    or   Selected ( ▢ ) Waypoints    or   Go To Waypoint   or
    Tap   Active Route (✓)   or   Selected ( ▢ ) Routes   or   All Routes   or
  5. Tap    or    .

    Use KML only if you know the application you are sending to requires KML (i.e. Google Earth).

  6. Tap: Copy to Dropbox (Not Save to Dropbox).
  7. Tap  Save .

Send Tracks, Waypoints or Routes to Another App on your iOS device

The other app must accept files in GPX or KML format.
  1. Tap , or .
  2. Tap(Share).
  3. Tap   Track Segments …  or   Entire Track   or
    Tap   All Waypoints    or   Selected ( ▢ ) Waypoints    or   Go To Waypoint   or
    Tap   Active Route (✓)   or   Selected ( ▢ ) Routes   or   All Routes   or
  4. Tap    or    .

    Use KML only if you know the application you are sending to requires KML (i.e. Google Earth).

  5. Tap the app icon.

Save Tracks, Waypoints, Routes or a Screen Image to iCloud Drive:

Use any time. The file will be queued until you have an Internet connection.
  1. Tap , , or .
  2. Tap(Share)   or      .
  3. Tap   Track Segments …  or   Entire Track   or   Elevation Graph Image   or
    Tap   All Waypoints    or   Selected ( ▢ ) Waypoints    or   Go To Waypoint   or
    Tap   Active Route (✓)   or   Selected ( ▢ ) Routes   or   All Routes   or
    Tap   Current Location      or   Anywhere on the Chart  .
    Tap    or   .
    Tap  .
    Tap   for a GPX or image file, or
     tap    or   , then .

Send Tracks, Waypoints or Routes to Your Computer
through the Mac Finder (or iTunes):

Requires connecting your iOS device to your computer with a USB cable.
  1. Tap , or .
  2. Tap(Share).
  3. Tap   Track Segments …  or   Entire Track   or
    Tap   All Waypoints    or   Selected ( ▢ ) Waypoints    or   Go To Waypoint   or
    Tap   Active Route (✓)   or   Selected ( ▢ ) Routes   or   All Routes  .
  4. Tap   Send GPX File Via iTunes or the Mac Finder
       or   Send KML File Via iTunes or the Mac Finder .

    Use KML only if you know the application you are sending to requires it (i.e. Google Earth).

  5. Connect the iOS device to your computer.
  6. Open a Finder window or start iTunes on your computer.
  7. Select your iOS device in the pull-down menu from the top bar or in the left column.

  8. Click  Apps  or  File Sharing  or  Files  in the left column or in the top bar.

  9. Scroll down the page. Under File Sharing click iHikeGPS, or click the triangle next to the iHikeGPS icon.

  10. To the right, select a “.gpx” or “.kml” file.
  11. Drag and Drop that file to a folder in the Mac Finder.
  12. Open the “.gpx” or “.kml” file using a compatible mapping program of your choice.
  13. To remove a file from iHikeGPS Documents, select it, then push the delete key while holding down the Command key.

Choose your Settings for iHikeGPS:

Go to the Home screen.
Start the Settings App.
Scroll down to Apps. Tap it.

Scroll down to iHikeGPS. Tap it.


ON *      Use the system Auto-Lock setting.

OFF       Never Auto-Lock.
Stitch Maps

ON *      Show multiple maps stitched together.

OFF       Show only one map at a time.
Prefer New USFS Maps

ON *      Download and preferentially show 2018 USFS maps.

OFF       Download and preferentially show 2013 USFS maps.
Position Format

ddd.ddddd° *          degrees

ddd° mm.mmm'     degrees minutes

ddd° mm' ss.s"       degrees minutes seconds

UTM / UPS             Universal Transverse Mercator grid coordinate system

USNG / MGRS        United States National Grid coordinate system
Distance Units statute miles *     speed: miles per hour         area: acres

nautical miles      speed: knots                       area: square feet

kilometers            speed: km per hour            area: square km
Elevation Units

feet *

Direction Units

° True *               Degrees clockwise from True North

° Magnetic       Degrees clockwise from Magnetic Compass North
Show Direction Vector

ON *    Course direction and speed vector or Compass line from current position.

OFF      Course/Compass vector not shown on the map.
Show Waypoint Notes on Map

ON *     Waypoint Notes overlaid on the map.

OFF     Waypoint Notes not visible on the map.
Waypoints On Elevation Graph

ON *     Waypoints along the path are shown.

OFF     Waypoints not shown on the graph.
Proximity Sensor

ON        Turn off the screen when near an object.

OFF *    Don’t use the Proximity Sensor.
* Default Setting
  Not all iOS devices have a proximity sensor.
If you ever see
on the My Location Screen

If the Heading display always shows  - - -


If you see  Compass Calibration is Off in Settings app


If you tapped Don’t Allow when asked to use your Current Location:


To use most features of iHikeGPS, Location Services in the Settings app must be ON.

  1. Go to the Home screen.
  2. Start the Settings app.
  3. Tap Privacy & Security.
  4. Tap Location Services.
  5. Make sure Location Services is ON.
  6. Scroll Down to iHikeGPS.
  7. Tap it, then tap While Using the App.
  8. Turn ON the Precise Location switch.
  9. Tap < Back in the top left corner.
  10. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap
    System Services.
  11. Tap the Compass Calibration switch to ON.
  12. Go to the Home screen.
  13. Restart the iHikeGPS App.

To download a map or send waypoints, routes and tracks over your cellular Internet connection, Cellular Data in the Settings app must be ON.

  1. Go to the Home screen.
  2. Start the Settings app.
  3. Tap Cellular.
  4. Make sure the main switch for Cellular Data is ON.
  1. Scroll Down to iHikeGPS under USE CELLULAR DATA FOR: .
  2. Make sure its switch is ON.
  3. Go to the Home screen.
  4. Restart the iHikeGPS App.

Battery Life:

You can change several settings to reduce the iOS device's drain on its battery when you are using iHikeGPS on a long hike. Adjust the following settings:
  • Open the Settings app.
    • Tap Battery.
    • Turn on Low Power Mode.
If you don't have a cellular signal, or are willing to forgo cellular service to prolong battery life:
  • Open Control Center by swiping up from the bottom of any screen.
    • Turn on Airplane mode.
    • Turn down the screen brightness to the lowest acceptable level.
  • Open Control Center by swiping up from the bottom of any screen.
    • Turn off Wi-Fi.
    • Turn off Bluetooth.
    • Turn down the screen brightness to the lowest acceptable level.
  • Open Apple’s Settings app.
    • Tap Cellular, then turn off Cellular Data. (Turn this back on if you need to download a map.)
  • Plug the iOS device into a car charger on your way to the trailhead so that you start the hike with a completely charged battery.
  • On the Track Screen, select  Until Drive  or  Always  when you start your hike. Put the iOS device to sleep when you are not looking at it. When you stop for lunch or to enjoy the view, on the Track Screen select  Off .
    (Don’t forget to turn Track Recording back on before resuming your hike.)

If you follow all the steps, you may be able to record tracks for about 10 to 12 hours of actual hiking. Use an external battery pack to extend this time.

Help Screen:

Retrace links you took Tap(backward)    or (forward).
Quickly jump to a Help section Tap .
Open the Settings app Tap .
Print these Help instructions
Tap(Share).   Tap  Print       .
Email your ideas or questions to us
Tap  Feedback and Support           .
Tell a friend about iHikeGPS
(This is really helpful for us, and we've
made it super quick and easy to do! )
Tap(Share).   Tap     or   .
Leave the Help screen Tap  Done 

We Listen to You:

Question or Suggestion?     (303) 258-0576


This iOS App must not be relied on as any part of a primary means of navigation. It must not be used in a way that safety or property depends on its successful operation. Always carry a compass and a paper map as a backup. Don’t run your battery down so far that you can’t make an emergency call if needed. James Associates Inc. accepts no liability, including incidental or consequential damages, for any injury or damages that may occur from the use of iHikeGPS.

Just because a trail is shown on a map in iHikeGPS does not mean that trail is accessible to the public. The trail could be on private land, and it could be both dangerous and illegal to hike on it. Please check with the local city, county, or land management office before attempting to use a trail. You are responsible for searching out and obeying all applicable restrictions and regulations.

Privacy Policy:

We don't capture any personal information or present ads when you use iHikeGPS. Any information you send to your friends using our app goes directly to them, not through our server. We respect your privacy.

©2025 James Associates Inc.

  Company Info | Privacy Policy ©2025 James Associates Inc. All rights reserved.