Frequently Asked Questions

iHikeGPS NZ Questions and Answers

Does iHikeGPS NZ require a cellular data plan?
Will iHikeGPS NZ work on the iPad?
Will iHikeGPS NZ work on the iPod touch?
Can iHikeGPS NZ use an external GPS receiver?
I want to plan a hike before I leave home. How do I look at a map for somewhere other than my current location?
How do I transfer iHikeGPS NZ's waypoints, tracks and routes to my friends, or to a mapping program on my computer?
How do I transfer waypoints, tracks and routes from my friends, or from my computer, to iHikeGPS NZ?
How should I carry the iPhone on a hike to insure the best possible GPS reception while recording a track log?
What can I do to extend the battery life when recording a track on a long hike?
Why does the track elevation profile graph sometimes show a flat stretch with no elevation change when I know I am hiking up or down?
Why does iHikeGPS NZ sometimes hesitate before responding to my taps?
I started iHikeGPS NZ and all of my downloaded maps are gone. What happened?
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